A Pastor’s Response to America’s Concerned Christians

The ads, rhetoric, and mud-slinging connected with the presidential election of 2012 have left a wake of confusion and division – not only in our nation, but also in the Church (at least the American portion of God’s Church).

I am not qualified to speak to our national and international realities; nor to the political ramifications of our nation’s choices on election day. I do, however, sense a specific “nudge” from the Holy Spirit to provide what I hope are words of wisdom to sincere Christians who find themselves struggling in the aftermath of the collision between politics and faith.

As an American, I care deeply about my country and the current state of her people.  But I do not assume that my perspective or position is the only one that is truly “American.”

As a Christian, I pray fervently for every governing authority, no matter their political affiliation.  But I bear in mind that my loyalties are first and foremost to a different King, whose kingdom will never end.

But, beyond my perspectives as an American and as a Christian, I share my heart today…as a pastor.

As a pastor:

  • I have been given a deep love for the Church, and a desire to encourage, edify and equip her.
  • I have been given a voice of influence – a privilege I must faithfully steward only for Kingdom purposes.
  • I have been given the responsibility to shepherd people, particularly when they walk through life’s more difficult terrain.

May I humbly ask you to read these words with grace, and an understanding that this communication is not at all intended to be politically charged; but rather, as a pastoral response to practical questions and concerns that affect many believers, whose desire is simply to discern God’s will for their lives and their country?

Christians often differ in their opinions and political stances.  It would, in my opinion, be insensitive and presumptuous to assume that God has chosen a “side” in our political process.  Joshua’s encounter with The Angel of the Lord reveals this truth.  When asked by Joshua, “whose side are you on?” the Lord responded “No. But as Commander of the armies of Heaven I have come.”

No human government is divinely deputized.

In the few days that have passed since the election many people have expressed to me their concerns, fears, and reactions; perhaps none so sincere and eloquent as the following email sent with the subject line: “Struggling”:

Good Morning Pastor Dale,

I’m not a member of New Hope but I hope it’s ok to reach out to you like this.  I’m struggling with this election.  I have been praying just as I was told in 2 Chronicles, for God to heal this land.  For God’s will be done.  And I am having a hard time reconciling what has happened with God’s will.  I don’t understand.  And if it is His will, then what good are my prayers?  This has me in tears, I really don’t understand.  I have friends… who are blasting me for praying against [what they perceive as being] the good of this country.  It causes me to doubt if I am praying correctly.

Noting the obvious perspective of the writer’s political viewpoint, I would like to use this as a springboard to explain some of the deeper questions raised relative to (1) God’s will, (2) the place of Prayer, and (3) Differing political stances by sincere Christians.

The Will of God

This may come as a shock to some deeply held theology, but, currently, on the earth, the will of God is subject to the will of man.  Another way to say that is, God has chosen not to override man’s free will.

God created man in His own image – with a free will.  Further, God gave man dominion over the earth.  Jesus later echoed this truth when He said (in essence): “Whatever you bind or loose on earth has already been pre-approved from heaven.”

Israel was formerly a theocracy – a nation led by God, literally.  But a day came when they wanted to have an earthly king, like all the other nations.  God gave them what they wanted.  It wasn’t His will; it was theirs.  Yet, despite God’s disapproval, His plans and purposes were still sovereignly realized when, later, David – a man after God’s own heart – shepherded God’s people “with the integrity of his heart and the skillfulness of his hands.”  (It should be noted that even David’s reign, as historically and spiritually profound as it was, was tainted by his human frailty.)

Our nation’s political system is specifically designed to function at the will of the people – “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”  And God submits Himself to the will of the people.

To assume that “everything that happens is the will of God,” is as absurd as to assume that “nothing that happens is ever the will of God.”  The truth is, God does have a divine plan, but He allows man to govern his own choices.  And to live with the ramifications of those choices.

Of course, there is coming a day when God’s plans and purposes for the earth and all mankind will be fully realized.  But until that day, the earth is governed by man.  We have the choice to live according to our “will” or to submit to His.

The Place of Prayer
Prayer is the catalyst that establishes God’s will to be done “on earth as it is in heaven.”  Without prayer, God’s will can not be realized.  It is vitally important that God’s people engage in passionate, persistent prayer!

How then do we reconcile the fact that, at times, despite our prayers the will of God does not seem to occur.

When prayer involves the will of another person, God indeed hears and is moved by our prayers, but still allows the other person to have his own choice.  Praying for God’s will in American politics involves the decisions of millions of people.

So, why pray?

Imagine a world where the will of God is NEVER released.  The results would be gruesome and unrelenting.  Yet that is exactly what would result from the Church’s abandonment of our place of prayer. Sure, our world isn’t perfected by our prayers, but it is sustained by them.

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro shared a great reminder: “Pray for our nation’s leaders, but put your trust in God alone.  The others are prayer-worthy; but God alone is trustworthy.”

Differing Political Stances by Sincere Christians
There are Christians who are Republicans, and Christians who are Democrats.  Not to mention the Christians who are Libertarian, Tea-Party, unaffiliated, etc.  Bible-believing, sincere believers have different views politically.

Historically our two primary political camps have been distinguished by how they viewed the role of the federal government.  One view is that a larger, more involved government is most effective for the nation.  The other believes that the federal government should be minimal, allowing individual states to govern themselves as much as possible.

Another more contemporary difference is the views on how best to address the social concerns of our day relative to poverty, health care, etc.  The goals of each party are similar, but the pathways are dissimilar.

One’s views regarding the role of the federal government or the method of addressing social issues should be valued, debated, and tested – but NOT deified NOR demonized.

Foursquare Founder, Aimee Semple McPherson often gave this wise counsel:

In essentials, unity.

In non-essentials, liberty.

In all things, charity.

Yet, we must define the line between non-negotiable “essentials” and preferential “non-essentials.”  I am deeply concerned with a few areas that are, in fact, issues of Biblical proportion.

Abortion, the redefining of marriage, our nation’s moral decline, and our stance with the nation of Israel are all issues that no Christian can ignore.  These cannot be considered optional, but fundamental.

A Christian ought not disregard the lives of the unborn in exchange for other lesser reforms.
A Christian ought not allow marriage to be anything less than God’s pure design.
A Christian ought not passively condone (nor aggressively condemn) our society’s moral degradation.
A Christian ought not have a cavalier or casual commitment to Israel.

As a pastor I earnestly desire to lovingly give hope to those who have experienced the pain of abortion, or are walking through the confusion of same-gender attraction, or who have succumbed to some level of immorality, or who simply aren’t aware of the Biblical implications of our international relationship with Israel.  Hear me – God loves you and has grace for each and every situation you face.

But a clarion call is appropriate. Political diversity is healthy, but there are some issues that have eternal implications.

What is our response?

If My people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven will forgive their sins and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

We must humble ourselves.  My freedom of speech must still be governed by God’s command to “Let your speech always be with grace… good for edification.”
We must pray.  The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.
We must seek God’s face.  He alone is all wise and full of mercy.  God is the answer.
We must turn from our wicked ways.  That’s us…the Church.  We cannot expect the world to turn from sin that we ourselves embrace.

And the promise holds true…
God WILL hear our prayers.
God WILL forgive our sins.
God WILL heal our land.

Our nation is only hopeless when the Church ceases to contend for her.

God is not finished with the United States of America.
And neither am I.

5 Comments on “A Pastor’s Response to America’s Concerned Christians

  1. I have a sincere question as a Christian. There is a lot of killing going on to Israel and because of Israel. If peace is being asked for, and Israel provokes a war, do we stand by them?

    If they begin to kill many innocent people, in hopes of the greater good, do we back them up? At what point is it we can not back them up, or if even during a genocide do we still stand by our “biblical implication”

    This is what is concerning to me.

    It feels very Crusade like, and I find my heart not supportive of such things.

    It is pointed out that, it’s easy from the comfort of our homes here in America, to back a country where we do not see the direct impact in front of us, but should you be a Christian living in Palestine and watching innocents killed, do you feel this is for the better and for God?

    • Excellent question – one that I don’t feel fully qualified to answer. Certainly ANY nation – Israel, America, or any other – who engages in senseless killing of innocent people is clearly operating outside the realm of God’s blessing, and those actions should never be condoned. A nation defending its freedom is obviously different.

      God has made a covenant with the nation of Israel, making it the only nation of its kind. Throughout Scripture God makes it clear that He blesses those who bless Israel.

      Of course, Scripture also tells us how God allowed other nations to come against Israel during their times of rebellion, etc. But even then, God still held those nations responsible for the actions against the people who are described as “the apple of His eye.”

      Israel is not, by any means, the ONLY “people of God.” In fact, Israel was simply the means through which God brought His Son – our Savior, Jesus – into the world so that the WORLD (every nation, tribe and tongue) could be saved.

      Your questions are valid. I’m not sure if I’ve helped, but I pray that as you search the Word of God you will discover more as God reveals it to you. I plan to continue my own pursuit of this subject as well.

      Thank you for your response.

      • I appreciate your reply.

        I found your posting here encouraging in a time where politics are working their way through the church and some how we are voting not because of our belief but because of some misguided political obligation.

        May God continue to bless your church and flock, and I look forward to reading other postings by you.

  2. I agree with you, Pastor Dale, and hope that many people read this. It may very well be much like it was with Jonah, who was able to turn an entire city around so that they asked God for forgiveness, in spite of Jonah trying to run away from God’s purpose. It takes going down the wrong path for some to realize that they weren’t where they wanted to be. In addition, we can also look at the plagues in Egypt. The Israelites had lived there for hundreds of years and had been inundated with the Egyptian beliefs. God used every one of those plagues to show his own people, along with the Egyptians, that He is the real God. He did this by using the Egyptians’ own religious beliefs against them, whether it was their goddess of fertility, Hapi, who was supposed to have her crocodiles control the frog population; or to the pharaoh himself, who was supposed to be a god incarnate. Sometimes God needs to show people because they can’t figure it out without other actions. Sometimes it must get worse before it gets better to wake up those who really don’t understand what is going on. For those who don’t wake up, then that is like the chaff and the wheat that God said he would separate. We always hope and pray that they do wake up though.

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